by Catherine Bell | Mar 7, 2019 | Benefits of Swim Lessons, Swim Safety, Swim Tips
Overcoming a fear of water can be hard on the student Seeing a child afraid is hard on any parent. Seeing that same child suffer from a fear that could turn into a lifelong obstacle – is downright terrifying. Fear of the water, though a normal behavior in many kids,...
by Catherine Bell | Mar 1, 2019 | Benefits of Swim Lessons, Swim Safety, SwimWest updates
Karen Clay says she grew up a small farm girl and in many ways is still one deep inside. A Midwest native and graduate of the University of Minnesota, Karen never started out to make a lot of money but instead to educate people about her passion for swimming and the...
by Catherine Bell | Feb 8, 2019 | Benefits of Swim Lessons, Parenting Ideas
Keeping them moving in the winter While it’s a little easier in the summer to keep our children moving, the winter can present some challenges. As parents, it’s up to us to encourage them to exercise even throughout these colder, winter months. When cabin fever...
by Catherine Bell | Jan 31, 2019 | Parenting Ideas, Swim Tips
. . . and how to know if you’re pushing too hard One of the great parenting decisions we all face at some point is when to push our kids and when to back off. For each child there is a different answer and for each family a different story. However, with a...
by Catherine Bell | Jan 18, 2019 | Comfort Tips, Parenting Ideas, Swim Tips
Confidence around the water makes for a fun lesson!Anxiety in your young swimmer Dealing with anxiety in young swimmers is something every swim parent runs into from time to time. And though feeling a certain amount of nerves around the water and before a swim lesson...