Shop at Swimwest and Give the Gift of Swim!

Shop at Swimwest and Give the Gift of Swim!

It’s gift season, and if you’ve been paying attention to the news the past few months, there is likely to be a lot of delivery and supply chain issues this year. That means ordering from online retailers may spell trouble for getting your gifts in time (unless you’re...
Simple Activities to Teach Gratitude in Children

Simple Activities to Teach Gratitude in Children

Last week we received several toy catalogues in the mail, and my kids absolutely love to go through each page and circle toys they are hoping to receive. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say my 7 year old daughter circled over 100 items. She loves Barbies and...
Confident Swimmers make for Confident Kids

Confident Swimmers make for Confident Kids

I grew up with two older brothers. Being the youngest has definite advantages (my brothers *might* have called me spoiled a time or two) but it also comes with its own unique challenges. I was never going to compete with them physically or outwit them or read harder...
Super Simple Halloween Watercolor Painting

Super Simple Halloween Watercolor Painting

My kids love to craft, and there’s just something special about Halloween that makes crafting feel extra fun! From painted pumpkins to creepy skeletons, there are so many ways to decorate and craft for Halloween (my kids are ALL about the creepy crafts!).  The thing...
Celebrate the Coaches in Your Child’s Life

Celebrate the Coaches in Your Child’s Life

Fall is soccer season for our family, and in the past week we’ve gone to five games. Five! It’s busy and hectic and (most of the time) but it is a huge time commitment for families, kids, and especially coaches.  My daughter’s two coaches are parent...
Fall Activities for your Entire Family!

Fall Activities for your Entire Family!

The cooler weather is (slowly) rolling into our slice of Wisconsin, and skeletons and pumpkins are making their appearance in yards all over town. Fall is here! Madison hosts a ton of fall-themed activities and is home to more than its fair share of seasonal farms,...