You will not be charged on April 1
If you are currently enrolled in lessons, you will not be charged on April 1. We do not have a firm re-open date at this time, but once we start up again, we will prorate fees based on the number of weeks remaining in the month. Watch your email for updates!
SwimWest Daily Dose of Fun
Do you follow us on Facebook? While we are temporarily closed, our staff will be sharing fun posts throughout the week — activities for kids (like our coloring book!) and staff adventures (including SwimWest staff and our families trying to catch a leprechaun!) Click here to download our SwimWest Water Safety Activity and Coloring Book.
We hope you can follow along! #swimwestdailydoseoffun
Our SwimWest families our in our thoughts
Karen and our SwimWest Leadership Team want you to know that we are thinking of you and hope you can find a little (or a lot!) of joy in each day. We thank you for the kind words so many of you shared with us over the past few days. They really mean a lot to us!