Our 30th Birthday Party was a HUGE success! Thanks to all who came and enjoyed our alumni swim lessons, photo booth, giveaways and of course, CAKE!
We are so appreciative of all our SwimWest families and are excited to share that our event raised over $500 for Hope Floats – an incredible organization that helps fund swimming lessons for children living in poverty.
Here’s more information about Hope Floats, their mission, and how SwimWest has partnered with the foundation to keep children safe!
Hope Floats partners with high-quality swim schools to provide scholarships for swimming lessons for children who might not otherwise be able to afford them. Hope Floats works with individuals, businesses and foundations that want to support the kids in their community. SwimWest is proud to be affiliated with such a great cause, and is committed to helping keep children safe from drowning.
Here are some facts from Hope Floats: 
Fact: Drowning is the Leading Cause of Death in Children under Age 4 in the US
Fact: Drowning is the 2nd Leading Cause of Accidental Death in the U.S. for Ages 14 & Under (CDC).
Fact: Globally, the highest drowning rates are among children 1-4 years, followed by children 5-9 years (World Health Organization)
Fact: African American children in the U.S. drown at rates 5.5 times higher than whites (CDC)
Fact: Lower socioeconomic status is associated with higher risk of drowning (WHO)
Scientific Benefits of Swimming for Children:
- Participation in formal swim lessons reduces risk of drowning by 88%! (National Institute of Health, Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2009)
Children who learn to swim at a young age, not only are able to save their own life, but are reaching developmental milestones earlier than the norm.
- According to Griffith University research (2013), young children who participate in swim lessons at an early age boosts the development of the Whole Child and are:
- 20 months ahead in understanding directions
- 17 months ahead in story recall
- 10 months ahead in cognitive skills
- 7 months ahead in fine motor skills
How Can I Help?
- Take Action by Making a Donation! Your donation will stay in your community to make a difference.
- Are You a Business Owner? Partner with Hope Floats to show your community and your clients how much you care.
- Are You a Swim Lessons Provider? Help us give qualified scholarship recipients the life-saving gift of swimming.
Thanks again to all who joined us for our party and please help us continue our mission to keep children safe from drowning. For more information about Hope Floats, please visit: https://www.hopefloats.foundation/